
This blog is opinions about films and sometimes comedy or other theatrical performances. It is not proper or high-brow critique.

My intention is for this to be a place where people come for a quick, usually light-hearted read about whether something is worth dishing out hard-earned cash to see.

It’s easy to forget that lots of people only get to the movies once or twice a year. They’re often not concerned with who directed a film or what reception it got at Cannes so this blog usually isn’t either.

You won’t find the artform of review or critique here. It’s just opinion. Often if the critics are divided, you’ll find links to their reviews here where I note the alternate opinions in the interests of fairness.

So in summary, this is place for light-hearted takes on the arts and, hopefully, a go-to for busy people who just want to know if that new movie is worth going to see.


How many films do you see? Around 40-50 per year.

Do you pay to see them, or do you get freebies? I pay sometimes, but I’m very lucky to be invited to previews and be given tickets most of the time.

How can we get in touch with you to invite you to something/send you tickets/hurl abuse at you/tell you you’re the bees knees? Use the contact tab on this site. It’ll reach me promptly.

* OAQ = Occasionally asked questions. Because I’d be lying if I said they were frequent.